Establishing a New Society/Colonization ActivityWe bring a lot of baggage with us when we go out into the world. This is not only true on a personal level, but also on a societal one.
Big question for this activity: How does the society in which we are raised influence how we see the world around us. Through some cataclysm, human civilization has come to an end on planet earth. Including the members of your group, only 50 people have survived. After a massive storm, all 50 of you have been washed ashore on Nelson's Island, part of a group of the last remaining inhabitable islands on earth. It is up to your group to design a sustainable way for all 50 people to coexist, and thrive, from scratch.
1. Before you choose where you are going to live, and how you are going to design your society, your group needs to come to an understanding of definitions - in your own words - for the following ideas:
Absolute Right Behaviour Absolute Wrong Behaviour What are some words that your group needs to have fully defined (meaning a communal understanding and agreement as to their meaning) before moving forward in establishing your society. (Suggestions: Love, Truth, Freedom, etc.) What codes of morality will you be using to determine the definitions of these words? Discussion Point: How does language (the fact that we are being given instructions in, and being required to answer, English influence this activity?
2. Choose a place to live. You can choose to stay on Nelson's Island, divide your people amongst the various islands, or keep everyone together and live on an island other than Nelson's Island. Assume that each island has a reservoir of fresh water 10ft underground.
3. Provide a detailed map of your community/communities that answers the following questions:
- How will you determine who lives where on the island? How are you going to ensure that the environment will be able to sustain your community (now and moving into the future) - How will you ensure the needs (food, water, shelter) of the society are met? - What roles will you need your inhabitants to fulfill in order for your society to function? 4. Sustaining a society.
- Will your people have rights? Will the land have rights? What will be the relationship between your people and the island? - How will collective and individual decisions be made within your society? - How will collective behaviours be influenced in your society? - How will you deal with conflict within your society? What about when people violate an absolute wrong? - How will you ensure the cohesion of your society? - How will you ensure that whatever you establish will survive into future generations? |
Links to the last remaining habitable islands on earth: |